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Tips for When Labor is Nearing

Set your boundaries! Only people you 110% want to be in your labor space should be there. You have the power alone to decide who, what, where and when. Your labor is about you and your partner and the baby being born. Don't forget that.

Talk over your birth plan with trusted people. Be purposeful in who you decide to let in on your plans. Are these people going to support you 100%? Are you going to feel confident after speaking to them about your birth plan? Are they going to fill you with doubt and questions? Your care providers are defintely people you want to talk your birth plan over with and here at Blessed Joy we enjoy hearing your plans!

Please get rest as your labor is nearing. Rest is essential for a successful out of hospital birth.

As always, drink plenty of water. We will never stop saying it and it will never stop being important in your pregnancy, labor, postpartum and just over all life. Hydration is a key ally in out of hospital births.

Stay distracted. I know we said earlier to stay rested, and i do think you can do both. If you aren't hyperfocused on what's happening, or not happening in your body it will give you less opprotunities to worry or make yourself think things are happening when they aren't. Trust your body, stay distracted and let us know when things are shaking and grooving.

Spend time with your older kids and partner. This is a great way to stay distracted, rest, and overall benefit everyone. Lives are about to change, everyone is gaining a new role, a new brother or sister and child. Things will change in a beautiful way, but change nonetheless. Take this time to enjoy how your family/life is now!!

Try to eat less sugar! This is the time that baby will start to add on those ounces, their cheecks start filling out and all around body fat storages go up. We don't want extra just baby fat just because.

Nesting, use this time to make your space happy. There are so many spaces to get ready. Is your postpartum area set up? Make sure all your favorite things are next to the toilet for easy access. Is your breastfeeding area set up with plenty of snacks around? What about where you store the bottles? Are those good to go? Use this time to get all the areas in your life set up for easy transitioning into this new stage!!

Did we leave anything out? Let us know in the comments.

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